Thursday, August 13, 2009

Micheal Scofield in Class

Welcome to read my blog. Let me tell u about my class this two day. Its the 1st time we have to see him for 5 hour in less then 24 hour. because there was a replacement class yesterday night. It was a special night edition class. Firstly, we was not in his formal shirt, secondly he brought his guitar along to class. it was like attending a concert with a break to teach theory structural in the middle of it.

During the 2 hour class, 45min was use to hear him singing while playing the guitar. Then continue with his dynamic style of teaching. Addition to that the class was really cold with the air-cond and heavy rain during the noon. So far its one of the most interesting class ever in university.

The thing i really like about him is he don't like student being exam-oriented. He always used that word on few of them. It really meant something, if you are only studying for exam purpose, what is the use of studying? Take it seriously, because that is the problem in our country.

SO, to you guys out there, good luck in everything you are doing. hope you will understand the problem of being exam oriented. Good luck.

To you guys, i'll be going back to KL at the end of this month, mayb during the merdeka week. So hoping to see you guys soon. Take care, and protect urself from influzae A H1N1.


Anonymous said...

I agree about the exam oriented ppl that u were talking about and it is really a problem in the future...sigh...but what to do?
we just have to cope with the exam but at the same time have to learn in a different way loh...

p/s: is influnzae A H1N1 ah....XD

PakLim said...

alright, i edited it.

We can always start it with people around us. teach them the correct way.

like what my lecture said, don't try to change them. but build a new generation. because older ppl don't listen to youth.

yLin said...

first, it's influenza A. And it's H1N1 type. :)

ppl in our country has been exam-oriented since forever, it's not like u can change it if u wanna change. very difficult. even starting from young also, if u dont hv enough influence from ppl around u, u'll still end up like everyone else.