Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome to The Year 2010

Happy New Year!!!

There goes another year. a year full of adventure. Some of the highlight like

Being in Robocon Team as a Senior.

Finally going on a plane without my parents(twice).

Going overseas for the 1st time after more then 10 years.

Having my Worse University Result at the middle of the year.
and etc.

I did have a great year. My favored has no doubt to be the trip to China. Being in Chine was way better then anything I expected. Not to forget the 1st time i encounter snow. I was lucky to feel what was snow like at the 2nd day. The other thing will be my new friends i meet there from Xi'an JiaoTong University and University Science & Technology Beijing.

Oh not to forget getting older = =!! as there come my 1st nephew Kyleson. Already a month old by now. Hope He will have a bright future ahead of him.

To my grandma, Hope you are having a peaceful live up there. You will always be in our heart.

Its time to look forward to 2010. New Challenge will come aboard. We must be prepare to stand up to it. To friends that are graduating soon, wish you all the best in your coming career. and those are graduating soon, wish you graduate with flying colours.

All The Best to all and Happy New Year. PL signing off.