Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Drawing Board

firstly, thanks to my lecture, for making me hate exam more, and for being more exam oriented. I am getting sad and aggravated from this exam, exam skim, and etc. getting my answer right and concept right is not good enuf to score in an exam. the thing that give u marks in exam are always the steps. So what am i learning here? learn how to show he right steps to lecture to give me scores? or learn how to make the right decision to be an Engineer?

Now i am much clearer why is my pointer where i am now. I been to exam knowing i did the right and correct job, just to know i score badly due to trying to be fast and "thought the lecture will be smart enough to understand it" oh they know what i am trying to do, and know i am not wrong, but still give me wrong, so i am still wrong, even it is right. so means i am stupid to be wrong for hiding everything in my head.

So my drawing board, firstly, i am going to make sure i am not going to extend my stay in uni . then, there is no more test and examination in my vocab and replacing it with the word "Challenge". its much more a better word to show the fighting spirit. and fight for the better of the community, my friends and family and myself.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

How time flies

Time flies,
i knew time fly, a wise man say "time is near, but it is the furthers thing away after it has pass". I just came back from a time out with my uni friends, and had a blast. and now i realise this is my last 2nd semester in uni. sigh...

The pass few months has been a steep learning curb. Not on academics, but more how to be a better person. going industrial training, everyone being more mature and etc. it make me feel so small. There are so much to learn out there, and i really want to get along with people. i know where my strength lies, but my weakness has just overshadow it. Time is short, therefore i plan to deal with it now.

8 weeks of this semester has just breeze by. works has put constant pressure on me. Especially the pass 3 days. luckily items for the raya been complete, and i can have a short preparation for the coming work.

To all malaysian, Selamat Hari Raya and Happy independence day. be united and dont let the small contaminated minds contaminate yours. The news has been very irritating, happy always.

Finally, its been a pleasure to see among my close friends graduating, just too bad i was not there. All the best in your choice of career. make sure u are happy in whatever u are doing. and congratulation. and if all goes smoothly, my uni friends and me will be graduating in a year time. so can't wait for it to happen.

Signing off

Thursday, March 25, 2010

End is a Preparation for a new Beginning

At last, this semester is about to end. This is the 1st semester i seldom move away from my faculty. But the semester had not gone by without meaningful lesson.

This semester has always been about assignment and assignment and project. 1 way its interesting to see how we cope with the hectic time schedule. For me, i know it was a chance to improve myself with the pressure.

Now the pressure has gone. with 1 more small part to finish by tonight. It feel like a very good accomplishment.

Tomorrow i will be going home. I am so happy now.

But this happiness, will be a good start for the things will be up next. I know there wont be holiday this time around. but knowing that i'll be putting a foot on my future industry. Which i am really looking forward to. No matter what is it. i believe putting a effort in it should be worth it.

That is all for now friends.

That from me, signing off now.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome to The Year 2010

Happy New Year!!!

There goes another year. a year full of adventure. Some of the highlight like

Being in Robocon Team as a Senior.

Finally going on a plane without my parents(twice).

Going overseas for the 1st time after more then 10 years.

Having my Worse University Result at the middle of the year.
and etc.

I did have a great year. My favored has no doubt to be the trip to China. Being in Chine was way better then anything I expected. Not to forget the 1st time i encounter snow. I was lucky to feel what was snow like at the 2nd day. The other thing will be my new friends i meet there from Xi'an JiaoTong University and University Science & Technology Beijing.

Oh not to forget getting older = =!! as there come my 1st nephew Kyleson. Already a month old by now. Hope He will have a bright future ahead of him.

To my grandma, Hope you are having a peaceful live up there. You will always be in our heart.

Its time to look forward to 2010. New Challenge will come aboard. We must be prepare to stand up to it. To friends that are graduating soon, wish you all the best in your coming career. and those are graduating soon, wish you graduate with flying colours.

All The Best to all and Happy New Year. PL signing off.